

(Top 11) on High Sierra where download Culinary-Fundamentals-vers.-1.1.tar.gz

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Futura Group Pty Ltd Teaching Tools Education Culinary Fundamentals 23552 KB

Culinary Fundamentals 1.1

Culinary Fundamentals includes over 280 skills videos with detailed voiceover instructions.Essential techniques for every chef and home cook â€" knife skills, filleting fish, shellfish preparation, trussing poultry and much more.9 Categories including: Precision cuts, Meat preparation, Seafood preparation, Poultry preparation, Fruit preparation, Vegetable preparation, Basic cooking knowledge, Methods of Cookery, and Chef's Tips.Suggested menu applications for each culinary technique.All video content is currently used in hundreds of top culinary schools across the globe.Fully searchable with beautiful photos.New videos coming with free updates!

New for Mac {20490 kb}

New! version v.1.4.Culinary.Fundamentals.RFfjxL.pkg {21903 kb}

Futura Group Pty Ltd

Updated 10.13.4 RzxQ.v. {11658 kb}

to iMac {1519386 kb} 1.5

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| 24258 KB | Free Cek Culinary Fundamentals v 1.4 1.3 Featured iMac Pro

| 23552 KB | Update 6U91 CULINARY FUNDAMENTALS V 2.1 1.3 New! version

| 21196 KB | Software V.1.3 CULINARY FUNDAMENTALS NR0U 1.5 Recomended to MacBook Pro
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